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Networking Hardware

M202 Multiprotocol Ethernet Print Server

Microplex Systems Ltd.

The M202 is a multiprotocol multiport Ethernet print server that supportsTCP/IP, IPX/SPX, EtherTalk, and NetBIOS tunneling over TCP/IPsimultaneously. UNIX systems, Novell LANs, Macs, Windows NTworkstations, Windows for Workgroups, or any systems supporting TCP/IPcan share up to 4 printers per unit. The M202's high performance(275,+ cps) bidirectional parallel ports can keep up with even thefastest printers. The dual serial ports can connect to printers or allowterminals to access and establish login sessions with UNIX systems.The M202 provides 8 virtual printer destinations which can perform autoASCII to PostScript conversion, auto-sensing and switching to desiredemulation mode, font, pitch, and tray selection. Its load-balancingfeature distributes print jobs to the shortest queue. Page counting andlogging permits departments to keep tack of usage and individual printerexpenses. Multilevel password security and encryption, user lists, anddata scrambling ensure that LAN managers can control access to networkeddevices. Extensive printer status monitoring and management via SNMP,SMTP e-mail, back-channeling, and syslogd provide error conditions, queueinformation, percentage of print job completed, and other details usefulfor troubleshooting, minimizing downtime, and maintaining efficientnetworking printing. With Flash memory, the M202 can be easily upgraded,and it comes with auto-selecting 10Base2 Thin-wire and 10Base-T UTPnetwork connections.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1

Microplex Systems Ltd.
8525 Commerce Ct
Burnaby, V5A 4N3
Phone: (604) 444-4232
        (800) 665-7798
Fax: (604) 444-4239